My name is Sheryl (pseud;my irl name is actually pretty common so I could reveal that name and yes it's close to a charachter's if not a few). I go by she/her/hers.
How I got into this series:Doing pandemic time before I got into books I watched all of Sofia's episodes then I watched Elena's. (You may not need a full summary.)
Also if I do happen to reveal my name but others from other wikis I know come on that don't know it please stick with "Sheryl" to not confuse them.
Oh also my name I go by online was a mixture of Sheryl Meyer and sometimes Kia Hart's last name.
I won't reveal anything else other then my first name just to be clear. Also I may be active at first but might become inactive for however long so just a far warning. (My brain always causes me to go back to old shows.)
I'm pretty sure this goes into general but if it doesn't I'm sorry.