"The Family Treasure" is the fifty-ninth episode of the Disney Channel animated series, Elena of Avalor. It premiered on October 21, 2019 and is the tenth episode in the third season.
Elena and Isabel are getting ready to go on a picnic. Suddenly, they see Antonio Agama fighting with his brother Pablo. Elena and Isabel break it up and question the two brothers. It's revealed that they are fighting over two halves of a map that their mother left them. It leads to the Agama Family's treasure. Elena proposes that they work together to find it. The brothers dismiss this with a roar of laughter. Elena proposes that they help the two brothers find the treasure. Isabel unveils her latest invention: The Super Coach. The four of them set off in it.
During the ride through the jungle, the two brothers try to sneak peeks at the map. Because of this, Isabel puts the map in a vault on the Super Coach that is protected by booby traps, which the Agama Brothers discover the hard way. Elena notes that all the Super Coach needs is a Tea Service. Isabel reveals it has that too. They arrive at the first stop on the map and dig up a pot Antonio made for Pablo when they were kids that has their old rope in it. The pot makes the two brothers start fighting again. They take off for the next stop. When they arrive at the next stop, they get the next item with help from the Super Coach's Crossbow. It's a box that has two marbles in it. This makes them start fighting again. Elena and Isabel break it up and explain that they get along despite their differences because they always help each other.
They arrive at the next place. They dig up the treasure. Unfortunately, Antonio takes off with it. However, he falls into a river. Pablo, Elena, and Isabel save him. They then open the chest and discover what the treasure the Agama Brothers were left to by their mother is: Each other.
- Aimee Carrero as Princess Elena
- Jenna Ortega as Princess Isabel
- Danny Trejo as Antonio Agama
- Rene Mujica as Pablo Agama
- Moral: Family is the greatest treasure of all--especially when you work together.
- Pablo Agama, the man who sold masks to Doña Paloma in Masks of Magic is revealed to be Antonio Agama’s brother.
- Emotional Magic in This Episode: Anger.